Elevate in Love – Relationship Quiz Results: 0 – 20

If your score lies within this range, there is a significant likelihood that you are not satisfied in your relationship with your partner and your relationship could be in serious danger of coming to an end. Quite often, our feelings can fluctuate depending on your interaction with your partner. In a few days, take this quiz again and see if your score changes. Even though the future of your relationship may seem very bleak and the thought of breaking up may seem preferable, couple’s counseling can offer the best chance of understanding how you and your partner arrived at the point and how you can move forward in a constructive and loving manner whether you decide to stay together or move in separate directions.

Source: Funk, J.L., & Rogge, R.D. (2007). Testing the ruler with item response theory: increasing precision of measurement for relationship satisfaction with the couples satisfaction index. Journal of Family Psychology21, 572-583.

One of the most profound experiences of being human is building a lasting relationship with another person. After the period of falling in love, which is often marked by infatuation, pleasure, and joy, we eventually reach a moment where we figuratively ‘hit the ground’ and begin to see our partner more complexly and for who they actually are—which we may not always enjoy. It is during these sobering moments that the true work of relationship and love begins where a couple must put in the necessary work of elevating in love together. To learn more, you can contact Authentic Self Counseling Group at info@authenticself.group or 305.929.3598.

Score Interpretation: Score Range: 0 – 81

Disclaimer: Interpretation of the scores obtained from the Couples Satisfaction Index reflect the opinion of Dr. Daniel Sheridan and are not the interpretation of the authors of this paper.